But my instances with great admirers and lovers induced these realities — I never elected to be praised or admired, but fate had it that I am a delicate rose for them…
It would be incorrect to say that I’ve been empty and sad continuously. An escort’s life and experiences witnesses an amalgam of emotions; nothing is static. In the past years, there has been happiness and many blessings, and I’ve had many beautiful experiences. I am very thankful for them.
Wounds remains fresh. I am trying to see the beauty in this pain. For the moment, I honor love by lonesome tears, finding the torment of separation unbearable, hopeless at times. The beautiful memories are starting to become clouded among the pain. I concealed all of my pains with the facade of pride, thereby masking the tears of honor.
In hopeless moments, the truth remains in the heart. I, and only myself, knows the extent of my heart, the honoring of love through tears.