One thing I pride myself on, is taking “Blowjobs’ to a whole new level. My version of cock worship is most definitely something to experience. One thing I constantly her from my clients is “Wow, you do that like you can’t get enough of it.” Yes… That’s exactly right. I CAN’T get enough of it. The way in which I perform my love for oral is definitely something words will do no justice. The best description I’ve heard to date, was actually just a week ago. A regular client said to me that he “love the way you used my cock as if it were oxygen.” To be honest until he pointed it out I hadn’t noticed a “style”, as I do alter each experience.
I then reflected on my love and passion for feeling the deliciously soft and silky skin of a delicate cock sliding over my lips and tongue. I do find myself closing my eye’s to allow all my other sense to heighten, so I can truly immerse myself in the are of oral simulation. For my pleasure too!! I Love when a client starts to platy with me and soon realises I’m gushing wet. “Oh wow” they always say “Your so wet”. Like I continue to say over and over again, I love every aspect of sucking… Fucking..Teasing and tantalising every inch of you, while I watch you melt into a pool of liquid orgasms.
My love for oral steams from comfort. To have you in my mouth for the hour or even over the course of an evening booking is the ultimate sexual experience for me. You will find in a long booking with me that I constantly finding comfort in having your cock in my hand, mouth or both. I am an affection lover and enjoy the touch, smell and taste of a man, I find this as a comfort as well as a nourishing to my sexual growth.
So as I sit here thinking of all the amazing cock worship session I’ve encountered over the past week and how much I’ve grown and learnt from each and every experience. I can now spread the word of my ABC’s Oral Delight and all an appreciate the beautiful and breath-taking art of Cock Worship.